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No, I'm not going to write separating each word with a point, but I think I can't hide that I'm pretty excited about this. I has a blog! I has a new store website! And I did it all by myself!

The site isn't finished, nor all features are still complete. It's always a compromise: either you go live when you have absolutely every feature you can think of, polished to the point of shining (that is, never), or you decide when it's acceptable enough to go live, and you'll continue working on it from that point. I've decided the second, and here I am!

I confess, I missed writing during this time. I didn't feel like writing on a blog that had been reported by someone who apparently didn't like me. I requested a review, they told me that they saw no reason why the blog could have been reported, but they didn't remove the warning screen anyway, and that affects to search engines. You know I write tutorials that are useful not to me, but to the community, and if they don't show up in the search engines, it's the community that this person is hurting, not me.

So I took this as an opportunity. The opportunity of making a better store website that gives me more work opportunities in the future, and to have a safe space where I can write as I please and warn beforehand in specific posts to those immature enough as to read feeling offense thoughts from someone (me) that likes to wonder about why people do what they do.

It has delayed a lot in time, I know. I started designing the website in December 2015 and I deliver it now. Honestly, I didn't expect that all the things that happened to me, happened. My oldest grandmother died. I got sick. And again. And again. I sprained my foot. And got sick. My hard drive died while making a backup (the irony). A relative died. Several apparatus at home died. A cat we were trying to adopt, died. Then Autumn comes and I get sick. And again. And again. And yet another relative dies. And a close friend. And my oldest cat. And my mother had surgery. And all of this is just "the big picture". Many details have been left, and I've made this list only to show how life can make you go slow in the project you want live the most, because you have events and a store, you work for another person too (Dutchie), and you have to deliver no matter all those circumstances. The website was for the moments when I could breathe.

And now I can breathe. So much. I can write again!

Expect me soon, and have a great day :-)

Posted by: Auryn Beorn on 15/07/2017 at 10:00:00 - 3 Comments

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Tutti Anatine says:

First comment ever! Woop woop

Posted on 15/07/2017 at 21:05:05. Write a comment.

Venus Petrov says:

Welcome back! I'm happy you're feeling better <3

Posted on 16/07/2017 at 02:07:55. Write a comment.

Auryn Beorn says:

Thank you, Venus :-)

Posted on 16/07/2017 at 09:54:06. Write a comment.

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